October 23, 2009

The city is stressed out

San Juan woke up today under fire ... literally.

The explosion at the Caribbean Petroleum Company, which has put Puerto Rico on the front page of newspapers around the globe, is almost a metaphor to what the island has been living for the last six months.

As the global economic crisis has placed a particularly tight crunch on Puerto Rico. Massive layoffs in both the public and private sectors, a construction industry on the verge of collapse, unemployment nearing 20% and a crime wave that seems unabated, this morning's blast in San Juan Bay seemed to be sending a message - this island is on the brink!

I'm creating this blog to see if somehow, someway, we can start a dialogue in hopes of finding some answers. I will continue to post the little things I see ... I hope you will too


  1. I see a silver lining in that toxic cloud of smoke billowing up from the Caribbean Petroleum Corporation. Everybody I have spoken with is hoping this is nothing more than an unfortunate mishap, rather than deliberate sabotage. I'm hoping such an emergency spurs some sense that we're all on this(economic, social, governmental) mess together and will only get out of it together. I am probably just naive, and I am definitey drunk.
